Colonic Acidfier & Stool Softener

Composition : Lactulose 15gm per 10ml solution

Form : Sugar Free solution / Pack : 1 x 200ml / Type : Pet Bottle

Description : Lactulose is being used since the 1950s. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. Lactulose is a non-absorbable sugar used in the treatment of constipation and hepatic encephalopathy. Lactulose is also commonly given to elderly people who have diminished mental or physical capacity to have a daily bowel movement. It is the treatment of choice for constipation in rest homes both because of its effectiveness and its lack of side effects. Lactulose has a sweet taste that can be completely masked by mixing it with coffee, tea, fruit juice, produces results within 4 hours if taken on a daily basis. Lactulose is useful for treatment of hemorrhoids because it produces a soft bowel movement. Lactulose is considered a prebiotic because it modulates the beneficial bacterial flora of the gut and is considered a digestive aid. Modulation of gut flora presumably works by reducing potential pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus species in stool, with increase in non-urease producing Lactobacillus limiting ammonia production. Moreover, lactulose is converted to lactic and acetic acid which results in acidification of colonic contents. The low pH decreases passive non-ionic diffusion of ammonia thus lowering its systemic concentration. Furthermore, with its prebiotic potential, lactulose also encourages growth of probiotic bacteria such as Bifidobacterium species that are known to have health-promoting effects.

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